From here you will be able to click around in Denmark If you want
information about the distribution of plants in Denmark before
then click here: Danish climate and
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1. Vendsyssel (The northernmost tip of Jutland). - The vegetation on coastal heaths and oligotrophic fens.
2. The limestone in Thy (North West Jutland). - The flora on the limestone in Thy.
3. Oligotrophic lakes in Thy. - The flora in oligotrophis lakes.
4. The limestone in Himmerland. - The flora on the limestone in Himmerland.
5. Lakes in Himmerland. - The vegetation around temporary ponds.
6. The raised bog Lille Vildmose in Himmerland. - The flora on raised bogs.
7. Sanddunes along The Westcoast. - The vegetation on sanddunes.
8. The Wadden Sea. - The vegetation in The Wadden Sea salt marshes.
9. West Jutland heaths. - The flora of heaths.
10. The Mid-Jutland humid "mountain" forests. - The flora in the Mid-Jutland forests.
11. The limestone along the coast of Djursland. - The vegetation on chalky grassland in Western Denmark.
12. The coast of Mols. - The flora on salt marshes.
13. The river vallleys in
Jutland - the fens. - The
flora in rich fens.
15. The fjords and coasts of South Eastern Jutland. - The flora in the South Eastern Jutland forests.
The Funen (Fyn):
16. The hights in the middle of of Fyn. - The flora on poor grassland.
17. The isles of The Great Belt. - The Great Belt flora.
Seeland (Sjælland):
18. The coasts of Western Seeland. - The flora on warm slopes.
19. North Western Seeland. - The flora in calcerous fens.
20. The coasts of the Isefjord. - Steppeflora in Eastern Denmark.
21. The forests in Middle Seeland. - The flora in the forests in Eastern Denmark.
22. The forest on limestone in Middle Seeland. - The flora in the forets on limestone.
23. The coast along South Eastern Seeland. - The vegetation of chalkrich grassland in Eastern Denmark.
24. The limestone cliffs of Mon. - The flora on the limestone cliffs of Mon.
25. The South Eastern Isles. - The vegetation of salt marshes in Southern Denmark.
26. Cliffs in the northern parts of Bornholm. - The vegetation on cliffs.
27. The rocky coasts of Bornholm. - The flora in the salt marshes on Bornholm.
28. Sand dunes at the southern tip of Bornholm. - The flora in coniferous forests.
Cultivated land:
29. The cultivated fields. - Weeds in cultivated fields.
30. Buildings and ruins. - The
flora around ruins.
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