Danish Nature and Vegetation 

Dansk version

From here you will be able to click around in Denmark If you want more information about the distribution of plants in Denmark before your travel, then click here: Danish climate and geology

Jutland (Jylland):

1. Vendsyssel (The northernmost tip of Jutland). - The vegetation on coastal heaths and oligotrophic fens.

2. The limestone in Thy (North West Jutland). - The flora on the limestone in Thy.

3. Oligotrophic lakes in Thy. - The flora in oligotrophis lakes.

4. The limestone in Himmerland. - The flora on the limestone in Himmerland.

5. Lakes in Himmerland. - The vegetation around temporary ponds.

6. The raised bog Lille Vildmose in Himmerland. - The flora on raised bogs.

7. Sanddunes along The Westcoast. - The vegetation on sanddunes.

8. The Wadden Sea. - The vegetation in The Wadden Sea salt marshes.

9. West Jutland heaths. - The flora of heaths.

10. The Mid-Jutland humid "mountain" forests. - The flora in the Mid-Jutland forests.

11. The limestone along the coast of Djursland. - The vegetation on chalky grassland in Western Denmark.

12. The coast of Mols. - The flora on salt marshes.

13. The river vallleys in Eastern Jutland - the fens.  - The flora in rich fens.

14. The river valleys in Eastern Jutland - the slopes. - The vegetation on rich grassland.

15. The fjords and coasts of South Eastern Jutland. - The flora in the South Eastern Jutland forests.

The Funen (Fyn):

16. The hights in the middle of of Fyn. - The flora on poor grassland.

17. The isles of The Great Belt. - The Great Belt flora.

Seeland (Sjælland):

18. The coasts of Western Seeland. - The flora on warm slopes.

19. North Western Seeland. - The flora in calcerous fens.

20. The coasts of the Isefjord. - Steppeflora in Eastern Denmark.

21. The forests in Middle Seeland. - The flora in the forests in Eastern Denmark.

22. The forest on limestone in Middle Seeland. - The flora in the forets on limestone.

23. The coast along South Eastern Seeland. - The vegetation of chalkrich grassland in Eastern Denmark.

24. The limestone cliffs of Mon. - The flora on the limestone cliffs of Mon.

25. The South Eastern Isles. - The vegetation of salt marshes in Southern Denmark.


26. Cliffs in the northern parts of Bornholm. - The vegetation on cliffs.

27. The rocky coasts of Bornholm. - The flora in the salt marshes on Bornholm.

28. Sand dunes at the southern tip of Bornholm. - The flora in coniferous forests.

Cultivated land:

29. The cultivated fields. - Weeds in cultivated fields.

30. Buildings and ruins. - The flora around ruins.

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